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Group Classes.

Results-Driven, Personalised, Diverse.

Workout Lesson




Welcome to the intimate charm of Bodies by Barry's boutique group classes, where personal attention meets the pulse of collective energy. In our cozy, small-scale setting, every workout is a bespoke experience, tailored to challenge and delight participants of all fitness levels.


Our classes are a curated symphony of fun and rigor, designed to drive results in a nurturing environment. With a focus on quality over quantity, our sessions ensure that you're not just another face in the crowd—you're part of a close-knit fitness family.


Here's what sets our group classes apart:

  • Boutique Ambiance: Enjoy the exclusive feel of our snug and sophisticated space, where every session is a communal affair.

  • Personalized Challenge: Engage in workouts that push your limits while respecting your individual journey, ensuring progress at every step.

  • Diverse Offerings: With a variety of class types, find your niche or mix it up—there's something for every mood and goal.

  • Inclusive Environment: Our doors are open to all, from beginners to fitness aficionados, fostering an atmosphere where everyone grows together.

  • Results-Oriented: Track your transformation with our goal-focused approach, celebrating each milestone in your fitness voyage.


At Bodies by Barry, we believe in the power of small to make a big impact. Our group classes are not just about working out; they're about crafting unforgettable fitness experiences.


Discover Your Perfect Class with a Complimentary Pass →

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